Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mad Cows

this is "globetrotter" near my work - as taken on my mobile phone

Edinburgh is taking part in this bringing art to the streets project. Practically everywhere you look there is a cow staring back at you. Its called the cow parade and the idea is that over 100 cows are designed and painted by locals, visitors etc and then sold for charity. Splendid.... or mad?? Jamie thinks it stupid but i have a kind of excitment when i see a new one i hadnt noticed before. Theyre definately good for the tourists. I'm just impressed that only one has been knicked so far! (found again missing a leg :-( what were they doing ?). So what do you think ???


Kaz said...

not so much art...
but certainly a lot of there any pink ones?? there's a pink one in the airport hehe

Marion McCready said...

Just to congratulate your good taste in being the only other blogger to have Yvonne Lyon under their favorite music!

ali wilson said...

thanks sorlil!! you cant deny the girl rocks. those of you not in the know check out yvonne's website and buy her brilliant fearless album while youre there!

ali wilson said...

well spotted you keen cow watcher you. there'll be no cows sneaking past you! just noticed one today in the middle of some rubble near my work. genius!