Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mr Hoppy - Mark 2

for those of you who followed the tragedy of the chocolate bunny earlier in the year (see April 06), I just had to post to share my joy. I received for Christmas a chocolate reindeer. It must have evolved from the same family as the chocolate bunny as it has the same red bow with the bell. I'm really looking forward to eating him (ears first of course!). As you can see from the pic Cara has her evil eye set on him. he is stashed safely in a very high cupboard so fear not. Only chocolate hungry humans stand between me and my reindeer - and most humans know better than that!


Unknown said...

You are a wee star and make us laugh with your hilarious posts. I reckon his ears will be pretty tasty.

Jake said...

don't be so sure that the chocolate reindeer is safe in a top cupboard - we springer can jump pretty high. between cara and me, you might be wishing for a padlock

Arfie said...

I just wrote a big long post and when i went to submit it i had to sign up and then when i signed up it lost my post. Wasted. Anyway, if you are ever short of chocolate you know where to come. Also, I booked flights for Dave. I'm having to come over on the friday night and leave at 9ish on Sunday morning. Alan