well i take my last blog back. i deserve every sympathy. that was a very horrible experience for several reasons... (cue large rant/moan...)
1) mavis (name changed to protect individual) one of my room mates who insisted on talking all the time - i quote "i dont see the point in not talking" . you would not believe it. she woke me up in the middle of the night making lots of noise - i turned over to see her sitting fully dressed in her chair eating fistley sweeties. she then proceeded to ask my opinion on sweeties. oh and her insistance on using the comode without pulling the curtain -euuuuuwwwww!!! she also complained about the seriously ill girl who had to call nurses to get to the toilet saying that she was just looking for attention!! raaaarrrr!!
2) taking a reaction to the anti-sickness drug that resulted in me passing out while saying "i dont feel so..." and then coming round to the nurse telling me to stay with her and calling for the on-call doc... and then passing out on him! was all very ER. I was fine after being put on oxygen for a few hours (man i gotta get myself some of that!!).
3) the pain and sickness of the treatment is do-able. you just have to crawl under the covers for most of the day. avoid as much food, light and sound as possible and you get through it (easier said than done with a room full of oaps shouting at each other and 2 teenagers dancing to westlife, and nurses coming to check your obs every 30mins). Its not fun - but at least it works. or does it?? i finished my 3rd day and looked down at my hand to see it was still blue - aaagh!!! so another day was organised. the helpful doc pointed out that there wasnt other options but it might be best to cut my losses after 4 days. it has worked a bit - hopefully enough for me to keep my fingers on my hands for a while longer :-)
4) junior docs who cant find veins but insist on keeping on trying because they are too embarassed to ask the anaesthetist. thanks to the doc i now have 11 puncture bruises on my arms. it means i gotta wear long sleeves to work or my drugees will think i have been taking work home with me.
well... i'm fed up moaning. at least we have the good old NHS. it always amazes me that they provide it all free of charge. what lucky people we are!
oh ali wot an ordeal...that girl beside u sounds like she needs a kaz slap hehe....wot was she in for?
i hope its helped u a bit chick, how are u feelin' now yer home and have all that behind ya?
hey kaz.. just saw your comment sorry!! feeling great to be home - looking for a bit of normality. glad you guys are going to be coming over soon :-)
I am so so so with you on all that you just said. You are braver than me as I'd happily sit at home and die rather than face hospital.
I have a similar problem with veins but fortunately a combination of traditional tablets seem to be working fine to keep my hands and feet attached and functioning. I've had such a traumatic experience with blood getting taken in the past that I now have a really intense fear of them. That's one of the factors that stops me going to hospital. I'm not talking about injections... you could give me injections all day long and I wouldn't mind. It's just when blood's getting taken that I don't like... but much much worse than that is having a cannula put in. I can't actually cope with it being left in my arm as every minute it's in I can't think about anything else. The problem is, they insist on it when you're ill as they need it to drip feed you and also to take blood... problem is they can't use the same one for both and they have to use another vein but after a few hours of the cannula being in the vein collapses so they need to try and find another vein and I don't have very many functioning veins so they end up going for your feet... or worse... your neck... no... no... no... I'm not having some great big needle attached to the side of my neck so that I'm sitting bolt upright 24/7 shaking and sweating with fear becoming even more ill than I was in the first place because my blood pressure is sky high and I'm not sleeping. Dying at home is very under-rated.
nice to see you have joined the blogtastic world phil... keep it up and stay away from those doctors :-)
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